" (Alana) - Oi Thaís, estudou muito hoje?
(Thaís) - Sim, hoje teve uma prova surpresa e.... Por que você não foi hoje?
(Alana) - Senta... A gente precisa conversa um pouco...
(Thaís) - O que houve? Você está bem? Tá passando mal? Que foi?
(Alana) - Calma, não é nada disso é que... Eu acho que estou gostando de outra pessoa e, você conhece muito bem ela... por favor não fique brava.
(Thaís) - Quem é ela?
(Alana) - .....
(Alana) - QUEM?!?
"(Alana) - Hi Thais, studied a lot today?
(Thais) - Yes, today was a surprise test and ... Why did not you go today?
(Alana) - Sit ... We need to talk a little ...
(Thais) - What happened? Are you okay? 're sick? What?
(Alana) - Calm down, nothing like that is ... I think I'm liking someone else, and youknow it very well ... Please do not be mad.
(Thais) - Who is she?
(Alana) - .....
(Alana) - WHO?!?
"Em uma noite normal, um avião caiu e algo terrível aconteceu, uma arma biológica que ele transportava explodiu e se dissipou por todo o mundo, transformando pessoas em terríveis monstros sedentos por sangue e altamente perigosos." "On a normal night, a plane crash and something terrible happened, a biological weapon he was carrying exploded and scattered throughout the world, turning people into horrible monsters and bloodthirsty highly dangerous."
Postagens populares
"O mundo igual nós conhecíamos, não é mais o mesmo... O ar que respiramos e a brisa que hoje sentimos são mortais para alguns de nós...
"Arrumamos nossas coisas e saimos de casa, na casa em frente a nossa estava estacionada uma ambulância alguém havia tomado banho e est...
" Naquele dia acordei com o barulho de uma explosão que deixou meu ouvido zunindo por algumas horas, minha namorada Thaís havia tomad...
"Quando só faltava uma pessoa para sermos atendidas, uma mulher que estava logo atrás de nós começou a vomitar sangue e a gritar no ...
(Thaís) - O que aconteceu??? (Alana) - Não sei, acabei de sair e ninguém aqui viu nada... Só ouviram! Vem vamos entrar. Nós dormimos, m...
" Subimos no carro e fomos para um supermercado comprar algumas garrafas de água porque se o estrago de quem tomou um simples banho f...
UM MÊS ANTES DO ACIDENTE... " (Alana) - Oi Thaís, estudou muito hoje? (Thaís) - Sim...
“Ainda continuava mos escondidas dentro da barraca ouvindo toda a conversa entre Sgt. Luís e Dr. Allan, que por sorte ele havia colocado ...
"O que nós faríamos? O que nós poderíamos fazer? Estávamos sem nada mão para nos defendermos então nos levantamos com a intenção de cor...
quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011
quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011
Hell on Earth (part 2)
"O que nós faríamos? O que nós poderíamos fazer? Estávamos sem nada mão para nos defendermos então nos levantamos com a intenção de corrermos para fora mas ele entrou na nossa frente empurrou Thaís com força e que por sorte caiu em cima dos sacos de dormir, mas para o meu azar ele olhou profundamente dentro dos meus olhos e sorriu para mim pois sabia que aquela hora eu seria dele."
"What would we do? What could we do? We hand with nothing to defend ourselvesthen we stand with the intention of running out but he came in front of us Thais pushedhard and luckily it fell on top of sleeping bags But to my luck he looked deep into myeyes and smiled at me because I knew that time would be his. "
"What would we do? What could we do? We hand with nothing to defend ourselvesthen we stand with the intention of running out but he came in front of us Thais pushedhard and luckily it fell on top of sleeping bags But to my luck he looked deep into myeyes and smiled at me because I knew that time would be his. "
terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011
Hell on Earth (part 1)
“Ainda continuava mos escondidas dentro da barraca ouvindo toda a conversa entre Sgt. Luís e Dr. Allan, que por sorte ele havia colocado no “viva voz” :
(Sgt. Luís) - Vamos! Diga!!!!
(Dr. Allan) - Estava mos criando uma bomba para o exercito americano aqui no Brasil, pois eles não queriam que ninguém soubesse de tal arma, essa arma conteria um vírus tão perigoso que todos que estivessem num raio de 20 quilômetros de onde ela caísse morreria quase que instantaneamente e depois o próprio vírus morreria em menos de meia hora, e quem procurasse por qualquer vestígio do que havia acontecido... Não acharia nada nem nos corpos encontrados. Quando a bomba havia ficado finalmente pronta nós a colocamos dentro de um avião sob a vigilância de 15 soldados altamente armados que a vigiaria até os EUA onde ela ficaria guardada até eles resolverem usarem na. Mas durante o vôo, recebemos uma chamada urgente do piloto afirmando que havia mais alguém a bordo e que havia matado a todos e que uma das assas estava pegando fogo e então perdemos o sinal, e uma hora depois localizamos o local de sua queda, os 16 corpos incluindo o piloto, menos quem matara a todos eles.
(Sgt. Luís) - Se o vírus foi feito para matar a todos, porque as pessoas voltaram à vida? Porque estão de pé comendo aos outros?
(Dr. Allan) - Isso... Eu já não sei responder me desculpe, nós não sabemos o efeito que o vírus causa quando ingerido, mas sugiro que saia desta cidade a fumaça que saiu do avião se misturou com nuvens de chuva e achamos que quando começar a chover o vírus se modificará para muito pior e quem estiver nela......
A ligação havia caído e podemos notar a cara de preocupação do sargento que levantou sua manga e deixou a amostra uma mordida que sangrava muito, e nesse momento ele olhou pra cima, pegou uma arma e mirou em sua cabeça, mas antes mesmo dele atirar morreu e segundos depois olhou em nossa direção com seus olhos amarelos e perturbadores, pois havia notado nossa presença.”
"Although we still hidden in the tent listening to the whole conversation between Sgt Louis and Dr. Allan, who luckily he had put on a" live voice ":
(Sgt. Louis) - Come on! Say!!
(Dr. Allan) - we created was a bomb for the U.S. Army here in Brazil because they do not want anyone to know of such a weapon, that weapon would contain a virus so dangerous that everyone who was within a radius of20 miles from where she fell die almost instantly after the virus itself and would die within half an hour, and who were searching for any trace of what had happened ... Would not find anything or the bodies found. When the bomb had been finally ready we put on a plane under the watch of heavily armed soldiers 15 who watched up to the U.S. where she would be kept in use until they resolve. But during the flight, we received an urgent call from the pilot saying that there was someone else on board who had killed them all and that one of the wings was on fire and then we lose the signal, and an hour later we located the site of his fall, 16 bodies including the pilot, who had killed at least all of them.
(Sgt. Louis) - If the virus was made to kill everyone, because people back to life? Why are eating up the other?
(Dr. Allan) - This ... I did not already know the answer sorry, we do not know what effect the virus causes when ingested, but get out of this city the smoke that came off the plane mingled with rain clouds and found that when the virus starts to rain will change to much worse, and whoever is in it ......
The link was down and we can see the face of concern that the sergeant raised his left sleeve and sample a bite that bled a lot, and this time he looked up, grabbed a gun and took aim at his head, but before he died shoot and seconds later looked at us with yellow eyes and disturbing, because he had noticed our presence. "
(Dr. Allan) - we created was a bomb for the U.S. Army here in Brazil because they do not want anyone to know of such a weapon, that weapon would contain a virus so dangerous that everyone who was within a radius of
(Sgt. Louis) - If the virus was made to kill everyone, because people back to life? Why are eating up the other?
(Dr. Allan) - This ... I did not already know the answer sorry, we do not know what effect the virus causes when ingested, but get out of this city the smoke that came off the plane mingled with rain clouds and found that when the virus starts to rain will change to much worse, and whoever is in it ......
The link was down and we can see the face of concern that the sergeant raised his left sleeve and sample a bite that bled a lot, and this time he looked up, grabbed a gun and took aim at his head, but before he died shoot and seconds later looked at us with yellow eyes and disturbing, because he had noticed our presence. "
segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011
The Beginning (final)
"Quando só faltava uma pessoa para sermos atendidas, uma mulher que estava logo atrás de nós começou a vomitar sangue e a gritar no chão de dor logo em seguida mais duas pessoas começaram a ter o mesmo sintoma e em menos de um minuto com um grito assustador... Ela morreu em seguida os outros que sofreram o mesmo ataque, o médico que tentou sal valos pegou um megafone e disse:
All of us were silent and he continued:
- But here someone took a. ..
At this moment we saw the woman who had just died and had raised was attacking the doctor, he tried to defend herself, but she had been extremely strong and grabbed him and started biting him to eat him alive and the others who had supposedly mind-dead also got up and started attacking the people around them, his eyes had turned purple their varicose veins with one out and look extremely menacing. The soldiers who were there tried to turn away from them, but to no avail they were devoured by them, who had been bitten by infected rose with the same purpose of eating the other, but his eyes were yellow, were weak and less menacing.
I do not know how I managed to sit still so long there watching all this and only woke up when Thais slapped me:
(Thais) - For God's sake, let's get out of here! Come on !!!!!
(Alana) - Where? There is no way out of here?
Luckily managed to get away from nearby, as the soldiers began to shoot up in all uninfected, we ran and hid inside a tent that had assembled nearby Thais neither I nor knew where to go with what we were scared and we started thinking what do we hear a noise, someone was going in so we hid behind some sleeping bags that were piled there. The man who had entered there started talking on a cell phone and identified himself as Sergeant Louis and wanted urgently to speak with such a mind of Dr. Allan:
(Sgt. Louis) - I want you to tell me now, what was in that plane that you have not told us?? "
- Esse é o resultado de quem ingeriu água contaminada, alguém mais aqui não seguiu as nossas instruções e tomou água?
Todos nós ficamos calados e ele continuou:
- Mas alguém aqui tomou a...
Nesse momento a mulher que nós vimos que havia acabado de morrer havia levantado e estava atacando o médico, ele tentou se defender, mas ela havia ficado extremamente forte e o agarrou e começou a mordê-lo a comê-lo vivo e as outras que haviam suposta-mente morrido também levantaram e começaram a atacar as pessoas próximas a elas, os seus olhos haviam ficado roxos as suas veias saltadas para fora e com um olhar extremamente ameaçador. Os soldados que estavam ali tentaram afasta-los, mas não adiantavam nada eles eram devorados por eles, os que haviam sido mordidos pelos contaminados se levantaram com o mesmo propósito de comer os outros, mas seus olhos eram amarelos, eram menos fracos e ameaçadores.
Eu não sei como consegui ficar parada tanto tempo ali vendo tudo isso e só despertei quando Thaís me deu um tapa:
(Thaís) - Pelo amor de Deus, vamos sair daqui agora!!! Vêeeem!!!!!
(Alana) - Pra onde? Não tem como sair daqui?
Por sorte conseguimos fugir dali de perto, pois os soldados começaram a atiram em todos até nos não infectados, nós corremos e nos escondemos dentro de uma barraca que havia montada ali perto nem eu nem Thaís sabíamos para onde ir estávamos apavoradas com aquilo e quando começamos a pensar o que fazer ouvimos um barulho, havia alguém entrando na barraca então nos escondemos atrás de uns sacos de dormir que estava amontoado ali. O homem que havia entrado ali começou a falar em um celular e se identificou como Sargento Luís e queria falar urgente-mente com um tal de Doutor Allan :
(Sgt. Luís) - Quero que me fale agora, o que havia dentro daquele avião que você não nos contou???"
"When only one person missing to be met, a woman who was right behind us started vomiting blood and screaming in pain on the floor soon after two more people started having the same symptoms and in less than a minute with a scary scream. .. She died soon after the others who suffered the same attack, the doctor who tried salt intervals grabbed a megaphone and said:
- This is the result of who ingested contaminated water, someone else here did not follow our instructions and took water?All of us were silent and he continued:
- But here someone took a. ..
At this moment we saw the woman who had just died and had raised was attacking the doctor, he tried to defend herself, but she had been extremely strong and grabbed him and started biting him to eat him alive and the others who had supposedly mind-dead also got up and started attacking the people around them, his eyes had turned purple their varicose veins with one out and look extremely menacing. The soldiers who were there tried to turn away from them, but to no avail they were devoured by them, who had been bitten by infected rose with the same purpose of eating the other, but his eyes were yellow, were weak and less menacing.
I do not know how I managed to sit still so long there watching all this and only woke up when Thais slapped me:
(Thais) - For God's sake, let's get out of here! Come on !!!!!
(Alana) - Where? There is no way out of here?
Luckily managed to get away from nearby, as the soldiers began to shoot up in all uninfected, we ran and hid inside a tent that had assembled nearby Thais neither I nor knew where to go with what we were scared and we started thinking what do we hear a noise, someone was going in so we hid behind some sleeping bags that were piled there. The man who had entered there started talking on a cell phone and identified himself as Sergeant Louis and wanted urgently to speak with such a mind of Dr. Allan:
(Sgt. Louis) - I want you to tell me now, what was in that plane that you have not told us?? "
domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011
The Beginning (part 5)
"Subimos no carro e fomos para um supermercado comprar algumas garrafas de água porque se o estrago de quem tomou um simples banho foi aquela, imagine quem a bebesse.
Quando chegamos na saída principal da cidade vimos algumas barracas do exército montadas perto de uma barreira que eles haviam feito para controlar a saída das pessoas que não tinham se submetido a alguns exames que eles estavam realizando. O teste era simples, eles retiravam uma pequena quantia de sangue de você e misturavam a um líquido meio cinza , e se o sangue ficava roxo eles o impediam de sair da cidade e os direcionavam para uma barraca verde que estava ao nosso lado.
Só faltava 5 pessoas a serem atendidas para podermos sair da cidade, e que-riamos logo sair dali pois não aguentávamos mais ouvir o choro de pessoas que tinham de se separar de pessoas queridas sem saber o porque, pois eles não davam respostas as nossas perguntas e... ai de quem insisti se."
" We climbed into the car and went to a supermarket to buy some bottles of water because the damage of whom took a shower that was, imagine those who drink.
When we arrived at the main exit of the city saw some army barracks mounted near abarrier that they had done to control the output of people who had not undergone sometests they were performing. The test was simple, they withdrew a small amount ofblood from you and mix to a liquid medium gray, and purple if the blood was preventedthem from leaving the city and directs them to a green tent that was on our side.
It needed only five people to be met in order to leave town, and laugh-out of there as soon as it could no longer stand to hear the cries of people who had to be separatedfrom loved ones without knowing why, because they would not give answers to our questions e. .. woe to those who insisted it."
Quando chegamos na saída principal da cidade vimos algumas barracas do exército montadas perto de uma barreira que eles haviam feito para controlar a saída das pessoas que não tinham se submetido a alguns exames que eles estavam realizando. O teste era simples, eles retiravam uma pequena quantia de sangue de você e misturavam a um líquido meio cinza , e se o sangue ficava roxo eles o impediam de sair da cidade e os direcionavam para uma barraca verde que estava ao nosso lado.
Só faltava 5 pessoas a serem atendidas para podermos sair da cidade, e que-riamos logo sair dali pois não aguentávamos mais ouvir o choro de pessoas que tinham de se separar de pessoas queridas sem saber o porque, pois eles não davam respostas as nossas perguntas e... ai de quem insisti se."
" We climbed into the car and went to a supermarket to buy some bottles of water because the damage of whom took a shower that was, imagine those who drink.
When we arrived at the main exit of the city saw some army barracks mounted near abarrier that they had done to control the output of people who had not undergone sometests they were performing. The test was simple, they withdrew a small amount ofblood from you and mix to a liquid medium gray, and purple if the blood was preventedthem from leaving the city and directs them to a green tent that was on our side.
It needed only five people to be met in order to leave town, and laugh-out of there as soon as it could no longer stand to hear the cries of people who had to be separatedfrom loved ones without knowing why, because they would not give answers to our questions e. .. woe to those who insisted it."
sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011
The Beginning (part 4)
"Arrumamos nossas coisas e saimos de casa, na casa em frente a nossa estava estacionada uma ambulância alguém havia tomado banho e estava com a pele... estava sem pele alguma era como se a pessoa estivesse virada ao avesso,
Aquela visão deixou todos em pânico alguns policiais tentaram acalmar as pessoas mas não adiantava o desespero começava a tomar conta dos mais fracos e por sorte eu e Thaís fazia-mos medicina e estavamos acostumados a ver alguns corpos em estado desagradável até para nós.""We packed our things and left home, in front of our house in an ambulance was parkedsomeone had bathed and was with the skin ... was without any skin was as if theperson were turned inside out,
That vision has left everyone in a panic some police officers tried to calm people down but no point in desperation began to take care of the weakest and luckily I didWe Thais and medicine and we were accustomed to seeing some bodies in a stateunpleasant even for us."
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