Ao sair lá fora vi todos os meus vizinhos olhando para uma estranha fumaça roxa que subia lentamente ao céu junto de enormes labaredas de fogo somente há alguns quilômetros de distancia dali, todos estavam assustados sem saber o que havia ocorrido e quando cheguei à calçada todos nós fomos surpreendidos por uma tropa de policias e de bombeiros que se dirigiam ao local com muita presa e com as sirenes insuportáveis terminando de estourar os nossos ouvidos e acordando Thaís que estava aparentemente assustada com o barulho e por não me ver ao seu lado quando acordara."
"That day I woke to the sound of an explosion that left my ears ringing for a few hours, my girlfriend Thais had taken some medicine and was in deep sleep so it did not agree, then tucked my hair, put on my slippers and I walked outside to see what hadhappened.
When you get outside I saw all my neighbors looking for a strange purple smokerising slowly to the sky with huge flames of fire only a few miles away from there, everyone was scared not knowing what had happened when I reached the sidewalkand all of us we were surprised by a troop of policemen and firemen who went to the site with lots of prey, and the sirens of ending unbearable blow our ears and wakingThais who were apparently frightened by the noise and did not see me by your sidewhen awoken."
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