- Esse é o resultado de quem ingeriu água contaminada, alguém mais aqui não seguiu as nossas instruções e tomou água?
Todos nós ficamos calados e ele continuou:
- Mas alguém aqui tomou a...
Nesse momento a mulher que nós vimos que havia acabado de morrer havia levantado e estava atacando o médico, ele tentou se defender, mas ela havia ficado extremamente forte e o agarrou e começou a mordê-lo a comê-lo vivo e as outras que haviam suposta-mente morrido também levantaram e começaram a atacar as pessoas próximas a elas, os seus olhos haviam ficado roxos as suas veias saltadas para fora e com um olhar extremamente ameaçador. Os soldados que estavam ali tentaram afasta-los, mas não adiantavam nada eles eram devorados por eles, os que haviam sido mordidos pelos contaminados se levantaram com o mesmo propósito de comer os outros, mas seus olhos eram amarelos, eram menos fracos e ameaçadores.
Eu não sei como consegui ficar parada tanto tempo ali vendo tudo isso e só despertei quando Thaís me deu um tapa:
(Thaís) - Pelo amor de Deus, vamos sair daqui agora!!! Vêeeem!!!!!
(Alana) - Pra onde? Não tem como sair daqui?
Por sorte conseguimos fugir dali de perto, pois os soldados começaram a atiram em todos até nos não infectados, nós corremos e nos escondemos dentro de uma barraca que havia montada ali perto nem eu nem Thaís sabíamos para onde ir estávamos apavoradas com aquilo e quando começamos a pensar o que fazer ouvimos um barulho, havia alguém entrando na barraca então nos escondemos atrás de uns sacos de dormir que estava amontoado ali. O homem que havia entrado ali começou a falar em um celular e se identificou como Sargento Luís e queria falar urgente-mente com um tal de Doutor Allan :
(Sgt. Luís) - Quero que me fale agora, o que havia dentro daquele avião que você não nos contou???"
"When only one person missing to be met, a woman who was right behind us started vomiting blood and screaming in pain on the floor soon after two more people started having the same symptoms and in less than a minute with a scary scream. .. She died soon after the others who suffered the same attack, the doctor who tried salt intervals grabbed a megaphone and said:
- This is the result of who ingested contaminated water, someone else here did not follow our instructions and took water?All of us were silent and he continued:
- But here someone took a. ..
At this moment we saw the woman who had just died and had raised was attacking the doctor, he tried to defend herself, but she had been extremely strong and grabbed him and started biting him to eat him alive and the others who had supposedly mind-dead also got up and started attacking the people around them, his eyes had turned purple their varicose veins with one out and look extremely menacing. The soldiers who were there tried to turn away from them, but to no avail they were devoured by them, who had been bitten by infected rose with the same purpose of eating the other, but his eyes were yellow, were weak and less menacing.
I do not know how I managed to sit still so long there watching all this and only woke up when Thais slapped me:
(Thais) - For God's sake, let's get out of here! Come on !!!!!
(Alana) - Where? There is no way out of here?
Luckily managed to get away from nearby, as the soldiers began to shoot up in all uninfected, we ran and hid inside a tent that had assembled nearby Thais neither I nor knew where to go with what we were scared and we started thinking what do we hear a noise, someone was going in so we hid behind some sleeping bags that were piled there. The man who had entered there started talking on a cell phone and identified himself as Sergeant Louis and wanted urgently to speak with such a mind of Dr. Allan:
(Sgt. Louis) - I want you to tell me now, what was in that plane that you have not told us?? "
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