“Ainda continuava mos escondidas dentro da barraca ouvindo toda a conversa entre Sgt. Luís e Dr. Allan, que por sorte ele havia colocado no “viva voz” :
(Sgt. Luís) - Vamos! Diga!!!!
(Dr. Allan) - Estava mos criando uma bomba para o exercito americano aqui no Brasil, pois eles não queriam que ninguém soubesse de tal arma, essa arma conteria um vírus tão perigoso que todos que estivessem num raio de 20 quilômetros de onde ela caísse morreria quase que instantaneamente e depois o próprio vírus morreria em menos de meia hora, e quem procurasse por qualquer vestígio do que havia acontecido... Não acharia nada nem nos corpos encontrados. Quando a bomba havia ficado finalmente pronta nós a colocamos dentro de um avião sob a vigilância de 15 soldados altamente armados que a vigiaria até os EUA onde ela ficaria guardada até eles resolverem usarem na. Mas durante o vôo, recebemos uma chamada urgente do piloto afirmando que havia mais alguém a bordo e que havia matado a todos e que uma das assas estava pegando fogo e então perdemos o sinal, e uma hora depois localizamos o local de sua queda, os 16 corpos incluindo o piloto, menos quem matara a todos eles.
(Sgt. Luís) - Se o vírus foi feito para matar a todos, porque as pessoas voltaram à vida? Porque estão de pé comendo aos outros?
(Dr. Allan) - Isso... Eu já não sei responder me desculpe, nós não sabemos o efeito que o vírus causa quando ingerido, mas sugiro que saia desta cidade a fumaça que saiu do avião se misturou com nuvens de chuva e achamos que quando começar a chover o vírus se modificará para muito pior e quem estiver nela......
A ligação havia caído e podemos notar a cara de preocupação do sargento que levantou sua manga e deixou a amostra uma mordida que sangrava muito, e nesse momento ele olhou pra cima, pegou uma arma e mirou em sua cabeça, mas antes mesmo dele atirar morreu e segundos depois olhou em nossa direção com seus olhos amarelos e perturbadores, pois havia notado nossa presença.”
"Although we still hidden in the tent listening to the whole conversation between Sgt Louis and Dr. Allan, who luckily he had put on a" live voice ":
(Sgt. Louis) - Come on! Say!!
(Dr. Allan) - we created was a bomb for the U.S. Army here in Brazil because they do not want anyone to know of such a weapon, that weapon would contain a virus so dangerous that everyone who was within a radius of20 miles from where she fell die almost instantly after the virus itself and would die within half an hour, and who were searching for any trace of what had happened ... Would not find anything or the bodies found. When the bomb had been finally ready we put on a plane under the watch of heavily armed soldiers 15 who watched up to the U.S. where she would be kept in use until they resolve. But during the flight, we received an urgent call from the pilot saying that there was someone else on board who had killed them all and that one of the wings was on fire and then we lose the signal, and an hour later we located the site of his fall, 16 bodies including the pilot, who had killed at least all of them.
(Sgt. Louis) - If the virus was made to kill everyone, because people back to life? Why are eating up the other?
(Dr. Allan) - This ... I did not already know the answer sorry, we do not know what effect the virus causes when ingested, but get out of this city the smoke that came off the plane mingled with rain clouds and found that when the virus starts to rain will change to much worse, and whoever is in it ......
The link was down and we can see the face of concern that the sergeant raised his left sleeve and sample a bite that bled a lot, and this time he looked up, grabbed a gun and took aim at his head, but before he died shoot and seconds later looked at us with yellow eyes and disturbing, because he had noticed our presence. "
(Dr. Allan) - we created was a bomb for the U.S. Army here in Brazil because they do not want anyone to know of such a weapon, that weapon would contain a virus so dangerous that everyone who was within a radius of
(Sgt. Louis) - If the virus was made to kill everyone, because people back to life? Why are eating up the other?
(Dr. Allan) - This ... I did not already know the answer sorry, we do not know what effect the virus causes when ingested, but get out of this city the smoke that came off the plane mingled with rain clouds and found that when the virus starts to rain will change to much worse, and whoever is in it ......
The link was down and we can see the face of concern that the sergeant raised his left sleeve and sample a bite that bled a lot, and this time he looked up, grabbed a gun and took aim at his head, but before he died shoot and seconds later looked at us with yellow eyes and disturbing, because he had noticed our presence. "
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